Jury Process

Come to the Jury

Each applicant must appear in person before the Participation Committee and have their art work approved prior to setting up at the festival. The Participation Committee meets on the First and Third Monday of every month at 10:00 AM at Bayview Park in Key West, FL. (see map for directions to Bayview Park) we meet at the bleachers between the tennis courts. Call (305) 396-7046  a few days before attending to ensure that the meeting is still scheduled. We mostly do this so that we can be sure each artists is making their own products. 

What kind of things we ARE looking for:

What types of things we are NOT looking for:


Original, hand crafted products.                          


If you do not make what you sell yourself or if you do not make it by hand you will not be accepted. Some reproductions of your own work are allowed

Sometimes categories may be closed due to over representation. Currently all categories are open.

Pre Jury:

If you would like to know if your product is the type of product that we are looking for before coming in person, please send pictures and info and we will give you  feedback. You will still need to jury in person and this feedback is not a guarantee of acceptance however it is useful.

When You Arrive:

1) Give us your name; we create a list of who will be juried today. The first person to arrive is juried first and so on.
2) If you haven’t already done so, get an application and fill it out. You will give us that when it is your turn to be juried. the application is basically your name, phone number, and what you want to sell.
3) If you need to set up your craft demonstration ahead of time, go ahead and lay it out, but don’t make anything yet, wait for us.

When It’s Your Turn to Jury:

1) Give us your application

2) Show us your finished products so we know what type of product you wish to sell.

3) We will ask you to demonstrate how you hand-make the product and we will ask some questions so we can learn about it. If the product you are demonstrating takes a lot of time we may ask you to continue working while we see other applicants. We will check back to see how you are doing.

3) That’s it. You can go home now. We need time to discuss each applicant. The committee will vote to accept or decline each applicant.

What Happens After the Jury:

Hopefully by the Wednesday following the Monday meeting a PC Committee member may call and let you know if you are accepted or declined.

If you are accepted you must work at least one day in the next 30 days in order to “lock in” your acceptance. If you do not set up within the 30 days you will need to re jury.

If you are accepted by the committee you will be asked to obtain a Florida State Sales Tax License from the Florida Department of Revenue. Apply here. You can wait to apply until after you have been accepted by the committee. If you already have a tax number from Florida you do not have to apply for a new one. it should take less than a half hour online. After you have gotten your sales tax license, the County automatically will send you a notice, the notice says you need to sign up for a business license, this policy does not apply to sunset artists, you do not need a business license, you may ignore this notice.

here is a description of how to pay your sales tax each period

if you’d like a detailed description of working at the Sunset Celebration Read This.

If accepted, you must sell one day in the next 30 days to lock in your acceptance.

*After acceptance and working one day all Artists and Crafters not working for a 12 month period will be stricken from the rolls and will have to re-jury (subject to caps) in order to return to Sunset and set up



For more info or if you have questions contact us at  jury@sunsetcelebration.org.